Farmers have already connected with the need to be outside, to be free, and to direct their destiny with curiosity. If you have chosen farming as a way of life you have decided to be in connection with changes, embrace your determination, and know the need for flexibility as a mindset. Isn’t it also what is needed as an adventurer?
And life is a holistic ecosystem, like the balance in life, when you need to get outside (or outside of the farm ;) because of feeling trapped or overworked, you go! You go and it replenishes your soul. You go and it creates space, makes a creative connection, and gives ideas that keep you going. This time, the adventure was pretty special. We received a precious invite to share with Dan’s family a week of sailing a 45’ long catamaran in the Caribbean, which made us both smile since we both have a lot of interest in sailing. It might be because of being so much in relation with the earth, that element that grounds us & brings us abundance that we seek the opposite by dreaming of being lost in the ondulation of the ocean. Who knows really…
Also, as surfers, isn’t it the ideal scenario to sail to hidden luscious islands in the middle of the ocean and get uncrowded waves? The British Virgin Islands are not the definition of the surf destination that everyone’s as in their mind and that’s good. It’s quite pricy to hang there and their locations often bring a need of having access to a boat.

So we did it: we paddled from the boat or got the dinghy out to reach a peak !!
We were able to experience being on a boat long enough to forget the feel of the earth under our feet, to anchor in bays with just a couple of boats as neighbors, to snorkel with the fishes, to observe huge tarpons at night using the underwater lights to stalk their preys for a nocturn hunting. We got to experience cooking all our meals aboard and heading to shore in the dinghy when supplies got low to restock in these miniature local oceanside markets. It was really something to be in a water world of rainbows and sun where winds are signs of freedom and speed. And quite importantly, we got to disconnect from the farming life and forget about a bunch of to-do lists, and big changes we about to make.
One thing I got to feel is living on a boat is a little bit like van life or a tiny house living. Everything has its place, you have to think of minimalism, and consistency (placing back objects where they live), and keeping it simple, is the soul of the journey.
Hope this gets you thinking and helps you be inspired to follow your dreams. Everything is about choices, mental motivation, visualization & taking action. Go get it all !!! Our mission here is to diligently and lovingly grow and craft a product that helps you live a better life and make sure you are covered and ready for your best adventure. We’re offering the local alternative that supports your holistic self and we work hard for that. To all the farmers and adventurers, take care of yourself. <3